I guess it's about time to post about life, the good, the bad, and the cute...
School has been a wondeful, horrible, stressful, challenging, crazy emotion filled experience so far. It has been a really big adjustment getting into the swing of school again, especially such intense classes where it feels like the teachers are speaking french. Everyone said this was an intense course and the learning curve is huge, but I never thought it would be as physically, mentally and emotionally draining as it is. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy massage therapy and know this is what I want to do but some day I doubt that I can get through the 2 years. I have been encouraged so many times by family, friends and my wonderful husband, and that means the world to me. Exams are done for now which is nice but the studying and homework is endless!
Living in the city has been really good. Darcy and I both love it, despite the fact that we are far away from family and friends. It has been really nice to ahng out with Ty and Stef (almost everyday) and get to know them better.
On to more exciting news November 24 marks the day Madelyn Soleil was born. A third neice and Darcy and I are thrilled! We got to go see her Monday afternoon as soon as Am, Erik, and Maddy got home from the hospital. Yes, Amber is amazing and came home a short 9 hours after giving birth to a beautiful little girl. I sadly have no pictures to share of the little bundle of cutness but tomorrow I will take oodles and post them. Am and Erik, I am so proud to have you as my brother and sister. You make such great parents and I love you both Lots!!!!
And Just to end off, my sweet sweet husband brought me flowers after a not so good day at school...