i felt so much better yesterday evening and today. i feel at peace about everything, and i know it's due to all your prayers. so thank you, i really appreciate it.
now onto some pictures from may....

darcy took me to the keg for my 21
st birthday
and then to tim's for a coffee and birthday 'cake'
(he couldn't find a candle, so he just used a match,
but it blew out just before the picture!)

i started making cards, these were for mother's day

sizzling wok, 1 week prior to the incident...
darcy said that he'd make up for our bad
anniversary dinner. it turns out it was a
really bad day at school too, he's always so thoughtful!

this picture is dedicated to kara, it is a rare occasion
that i get starbucks. but am treated. what a doll.
(if i was on the ball i would have turned the logo
to the camera! oops!)

hailey's 'trick' raena taught her!

i got to spend all afternoon outside with the girls a while ago. it was wonderful! am came to pick me up from the city and i watched the girls while she worked downstairs. j was sleeping for a good chunk of the afternoon so she missed out on pictures. i always have such a good time with the girls, never a dull moment! i am so blessed to have 3 wonderful nieces who love to be cuddled and give cuddles!