I have been...
- printing new recipes for my homemade cookbook
- soaking in my view of the river since it keeps dropping, and will soon be gone
- planting flowers (and a tomato plant) in my pots from auntie Hilda
- taking pictures of Darcy's latest creation - (stay tuned for Hudson's first birthday party)
- loving my new white vase from Gail's, now if only I would have flowers to put in it!
- counting down the days to...
- Fargo (2 days)
- Minneapolis (29 days)
- celebrating my favorite nephews first birthday (33 day, I realize this conflicts with us going camping but Sudsy's party will be at the end of June)
- relaxing at Hecla (33day)
- date night at Cirque De Soleil (51 days)
- standing up at some of our best friends wedding (65 days)
- relaxing at Hecla again (71 days)
- finding new sites to help my baking / cooking addiction
- printing coupons
- exploring a few new business ventures
- running into old friends and making dates to get together
- not feeling like uploading pictures to go along with this post
- spending WAY to much time on facebook and remembering why I quit in the first place
- looking at Jerry Seinfeld tickets and thinking its a 'must see no matter the cost' but cant imagine spending over $300 for Darcy and I to go (those are the CHEAPEST tickets, yeesh kapeesh!)
- listening to a friends anxiety about big changes in her life and trying to be supportive even when I'm not sure what to say
- being extra thankful for my husband
- really wanting to go to Brittany Spears, but don't know who I'd go with. I heart her! (well maybe more her music than her)
- wishing I put more of my good intentions into action
So that is what I have been up to. Pictures to come? We'll see.