Today my house is a mess, after spending all weekend (on and off) cleaning. Pictures to come.
Today I am busy with massage/hair/chiro appointments. Which all 3 had to be switched to different times.
Today I have a strange man in my house fixing winter house cracks.
Today I cleaned out my entire pantry to fix the mega crack in there. There is food everywhere.
Today I am stuck at the computer sipping coffee and eating bran muffins.
Today my husband is coming home for lunch.
Today I am choosing to stay calm, and relaxed about this day.
Today I am planning meals for the weeks to come.
Today I am reflecting on the weekend which held a fantastic date night with the husband that included only fun stuff (supper, walk at the forks, Cirque, coffee and ice cream) and not a lick of errands (returns, grocery shopping...) and a wonderful church service and a nap with supper at one of my favorite places (Red Lobster) with some of my most favorite people.