after a long 3 nights away from home we headed back to the city and relaxed and had our Christmas on the 25th. we had such a relaxing day together it was wonderful to spend our second Christmas together in a new home...i got to thinking and in 4 years we will have Christmas in 3 homes! yikes i hate moving.
on the 26th we packed our bags again and headed back to rosenort for a night with tyler and stef. the 26th was the waldner gathering, for the last few years (maybe only 2) someone (usually auntie m i think) puts together a little program for the family to enjoy consisting of singing, little kids reciting their poems or singing songs, and then every family says a blurb about their family or what God has done in their life that year. the highs, the lows, the times of growth, and times of struggle are shared, and for that time that people are sharing our family seems really close, in some ways we are but everyone has their own busy life. but when it comes down to it our family is there for each other, when someone is hurting, we hurt with them. it is truly a blessing to be part of such an amazing family. i got to connect with a few aunts and uncles and cousins that i only see at gatherings, it was really nice to connect with them. i never really made an effort to talk to them at gatherings, it was usually just a "hi, how are you doing" but this time i sat down and had a really good conversation with them. if i have learnt anything this Christmas it is that family is so important, and we need to take time for each other, even when life seems too busy.
the 27th marked the day of our last Christmas gathering at mom and dads. am, erik, and the girls came to mom and dads for brunch, and after games, jayda naps, and maddy nuggles we dug into presents. more games were played more food was eaten and a wonderful Christmas was had by all!
Christmas pictures in no particular order, and am we never did take family year!
you got some awesome gifts this year - both I found were great distractions from studying :)
Glad to hear you had a great Christmas with the families.
fun christmas post!
love 2 u 2day little sissy.
fun christmas post!
love 2 u 2day little sissy.
fun christmas post!
love 2 u 2day little sissy.
sissy = fun word for sister
whoa, i must have really liked the post ;)
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